Saturday, August 2, 2008

Everyone upset with Kuselan

The movie Kuselan was initially proposed with Rajini in a guest role and Rajini too was in a mood of de-promoting his importance in the movie.

But on completion of the movie, the movie is being marketed in the name of Rajini and all other actors are nulled.Actors including Meena and Pasupathi are upset on the way they are being blacked out by the producer of the movie as they were not even invited for audio release or present in any of the publicity materials.

Rajinikanth Kuselan-stylish-stills-37

Rajini, as a gentleman of this universe called up all these people who were angry over him as he is being projected in front and shared their feelings and blamed the producer and director for all these issues.

This reached KB and Vasu. Upset over Rajini’s behind the scene game against them, they openly declared "For 15 days acting if this movie as a guest, choopper took 23 crores from our pocket, then by what means we can market the movie and recover that 230 million! Do you think we can make the money by placing Pasupathy or Meena’s photo? Ask him to take 1 million and return back 229 million rupees so that we will start giving importance to Pasu and Meena!"
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