Friday, August 8, 2008

Shreya refused to act in Danush movie

Shreya the girl who danced with Rajini and Vadivelu was in news for different reasons all these days.Now, she has almost disappeared from Kollywood and was not in news in recent times.

Now she has done some mad things to be in news and it has got her some response. She took advance to pair with Danush in a movie to be produced by Kathiresan, who produced Pollathavan.

When the advance was paid to her, she was asked to commit herself to act for the proposed movie during April this year. But the project was delayed as Danush had a couple of previous commitments and as per the agreement made in Nadigar Sangam, he has to finish it and then accept new offers.

Shreya sexy pictures

Shreya tried to give back the advance money to Kathiresan, as she claims. Now all of a sudden she has put the money in a pocket and sent the same to Nadigar Sangam and asked the Sangam to handover the money to Kathiresan.

She then spread a news saying "Shreya refused to act in Danush movie. Gave back the advance!"As what she expected there was good media response and everyone reported the same in their channels and Shreya got publicity!!!

To be noted here is that Shreya has no other new opportunity in hand other than the one for which she returned the advance!!!
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